It is a movement of Christian leaders and organizations from different countries and cultures made up of three missionary forces represented by: the foreign church called the first wave, the non-indigenous church of each country called the second wave, and the indigenous church as the third wave. The first and second waves make up the consortiums in each country, and the Trans-Amazon network is composed of the indigenous Christian leadership of each of the existing national networks.
The purpose of the movement is to reach and disciple people with the gospel, listening to one another and accompanying the integral development of the tribal nations of the Amazon and lowlands region of South America.
The movement was born in response to the continuous interaction with the Amazonian indigenous leadership. Our effort is focused on accompanying the sustainable progress of the gospel among the Amazonian indigenous peoples and contributing to the formation of networks and consortiums.
As a movement, we develop strategic alliances with entities that share our mission and vision.

- • Valuing the indigenous voice
- • Interdependence
- • Interculturality
- • Collaboration
- • Integrity
- • Sustainability